My first blog post on my brand new site, oooh the pressure. It's like the first page of a notebook, and as everyone knows if you mess that up you may as well throw the whole thing out. Having said that I doubt anyone will read this so here goes.
Our story begins. Myself, Stevie and our little dog Digby shipped off for California in May this year. It's been quite an adventure so far, I won't bore you (me) with the details but I shall share some highs and lows since leaving home.
The first fantastic thing to happen is we all made it over in one piece. I was psychotically worried about little Digby flying in the hull of the plane but after my 5th btl of wine and a sprinkle of vallium I was convinced he was safe. Safe he was and within an hour of arriving he was sprawled over the couch and undressing our sandwiches with his eyes.
The first week was hectic, finding an apt, social security numbers, buying a car, a bed, opening bank accounts and finishing up jobs, I still cant believe we got it all done so swiftly. Since then we have settled into a routine, working our botties off during the week and stuffing our gobs at the weekend, some things never change.
LA is a great city, apart from the perma sunshine, I love the parks, the bright exotic flowers, the dusty sunsets, the people. How everyone says "hi" or "have a good one". I love the feeling that anythings possible if you work hard and out yourself out there . I love the margaritas.
My next stage is a spooky one, its time to put myself out there. I gotta dust of these paws and ditch my Irish cynicism at the door, if you're a like minded soul, please get in touch, I would love to cyber chat.
Anyways enough of this rambling, I've promised myself to write something once a week, so I better get out there and start exploring this sprawling sunny babe. Till next week x